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Workshops Available in "The Rejuvenation of the Church:Meeting the Needs of our Youth":Guide and Workbook.

Ms. Milner is available for speaking engagements and workshop facilitation.

Youth Wake Up: Satan is trying to Steal Your Soul

Providing the tools necessary to prepare for life. Teaches youth the steps of building a personal relationship with God, through daily praise and worship, reading the Bible, fasting and prayer in order to ignite the Holy Spirit in them.

The Door to God's House must Be Open

Workshop focuses on identifying one’s gifts, claiming them and beginning your ministry. It includes group activities where youth react to life situations they confront in the church.

How will you react when God reveals his plan for your life?

Workshops focuses on Joseph and Moses reactions to God’s plan for their life. It provides youth with scenarios for discussion of their reactions when God calls them

Finding Answers from God for 21 Century Problems

The Bible is our instruction manual for dealing with all of problems. This workshop through individual and group activities identifies issues that today’s youth face and provides solutions through Biblical research.

What IF

Workshop focuses on characters in the Bible that changed the course of history. Youth are asked to form groups and present a script of a biblical character that says no to God. They must also present the consequences of their disobedience for group discussion.

Parents Workshop

Christians Wake Up: We are at War against the World for our Children's Soul

Workshop focuses on building a family relationship with God. It teaches parents to identify negative actions and words that work with Satan to destroy their child’s future.

Building a Personal Relationship

Proverbs 22: 6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. A parent can’t train their child to build a relationship with God if he /she has not established a personal relationship with the father. The focus of this workshop is building a personal relationship with God so that you may begin to do God’s will for your child.

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